Index of Persons

Search Tips

For best results, users are recommended to use the advanced search functions. Search results can also be improved by the use of the the following Boolean search characters:

Wildcard Characters:

Given the prevalence of variant spellings in names, using Wildcard Characters may help.

"?" can be inserted as a variant for any single character.

Thus a search for:

returns results which contain either "Gewargis" or "Giwargis".

Similarly a search for:

returns results which contain either "Mar" or "Mor".

"*" can be inserted as a variant for multiple characters or a truncated word.

Thus a search for:

returns results for "Dayr" and "Dayro" and more.

Similarly a search for

returns results for "ʿAbdishoʿ" and "ʿAbda" and more.

Note: Because the sources we quote use a variety of transliteration formats, ignores diacritics and punctuation in searching; for example, use of "ʿ" is not required to find results with this diacritical mark.

Fuzzy Search Character

Appending the character "~" after a word returns results for words that are close but not exact matches.

Thus a search for

returns results which contain "Aba" but also "Abi", "Saba", "Aha", and other words that are "fuzzy" matches for "Aba".

Exact Phrase Searches

To find an exact phrase, it should be enclosed in double quotes.


"ʿAbdishoʿ I"  
returns only one result with that exact phrase, while several results are found for the words "ʿAbdishoʿ" and "I".

Proximity Characters

To find two or more words which occur within a specified range of each other, one can append the character "~" followed by a number to an "Exact Phrase" search. This allows one to search for two or more words that occur within a specified distance of each other as defined by number of words.


finds three results in which the words "Jacob" and "Bishop" occur within two words of each other: "Jacob , bishop of Nisibin", "Jacob, bishop of Phesilta", and "Jacob , bishop of ‛Ānah" while a simple search for "Jacob Bishop" returns many more results.


Ibn Bājjah, Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Yaḥyā ibn al-Ṣāʾigh — Names: Ibn Bājjah, Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Yaḥyā ibn al-ṢāʾighIbn BājjahIbn Bājjah, Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Yaḥyā ibn al-Ṣāʾigh, Andalusian philosopher and physician (d. 533/1139)URI:
Ibn Bakhtawayh, Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿĪsā — Names: Ibn Bakhtawayh, Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿĪsāIbn BakhtawayhIbn Bakhtawayh, Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿĪsā, 11th c. physician from Wāsiṭ, active ca. 420/1030URI:
Ibn Bakhtawayh, Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿĪsā — Names: Ibn Bakhtawayh, Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿĪsāIbn BakhtawayhIbn Bakhtawayh, Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿĪsā, 11th c. physician from Wāsiṭ, active ca. 420/1030URI:
Ibn Bakkalārish — Names: Ibn BakkalārishIbn Bakkalārish (?)BaklārishBiklārishIbn Bakkalārish (also Baklārish and Biklārish), Andalusian physicianURI:
Ibn Bakkalārish — Names: Ibn BakkalārishIbn Bakkalārish (?)BaklārishBiklārishIbn Bakkalārish (also Baklārish and Biklārish), Andalusian physicianURI:
Ibn Baqiyyah, Abū Ṭāhir [Muḥammad] — Names: Ibn Baqiyyah, Abū Ṭāhir [Muḥammad]Ibn Baqiyyah, Abū Ṭāhir [Muḥammad], vizier of ʿIzz al-Dawlah Bakhtiyār (d. 367/978)URI:
Ibn Barhān, Abū l-Fatḥ Aḥmad ibn ʿAlī ibn Muḥammad — Names: Ibn Barhān, Abū l-Fatḥ Aḥmad ibn ʿAlī ibn MuḥammadIbn Barhān, Abū l-Fatḥ Aḥmad ibn ʿAlī ibn Muḥammad, grammarian and jurist (d. 520//1126)URI:
Ibn Barrī — Names: Ibn BarrīIbn Barrī, grammarianURI:
Ibn Barzaj, Abū Naṣr Muḥammad ibn ʿAlī — Names: Ibn Barzaj, Abū Naṣr Muḥammad ibn ʿAlīIbn Barzaj, Abū Naṣr Muḥammad ibn ʿAlī, student of Ibn al-ṬayyibURI:
Ibn Bassām — Names: Ibn BassāmIbn Bassām, 3rd/9th-c. poetURI:
Ibn Bundar — Names: Ibn BundarIbn Bundar (probably Abū l-Qāsim Yaḥyā ibn Thābit al-Wakīl) (d. 566/1170)URI:
Ibn Buṣāqah, al-Ṣāḥib Fakhr al-Quḍāh Abū l-Fatḥ Naṣr Allāh ibn Hibat Allāh al-Ḥanafī — Names: Ibn Buṣāqah, al-Ṣāḥib Fakhr al-Quḍāh Abū l-Fatḥ Naṣr Allāh ibn Hibat Allāh al-ḤanafīIbn Buṣāqah, al-Ṣāḥib Fakhr al-Quḍāh Abū l-Fatḥ Naṣr Allāh ibn Hibat Allāh al-Ḥanafī, poet (d. 650/1252–1253)URI:
Ibn Buṭlān, al-Mukhtār ibn al-Ḥasan ibn ʿAbdūn — Names: Ibn Buṭlān, al-Mukhtār ibn al-Ḥasan ibn ʿAbdūnIbn BuṭlānIbn Buṭlān, al-Mukhtār ibn al-Ḥasan ibn ʿAbdūn, Christian physician (d. 458/1066)URI:
Ibn Buṭlān, al-Mukhtār ibn al-Ḥasan ibn ʿAbdūn — Names: Ibn Buṭlān, al-Mukhtār ibn al-Ḥasan ibn ʿAbdūnIbn BuṭlānIbn Buṭlān, al-Mukhtār ibn al-Ḥasan ibn ʿAbdūn, Christian physician (d. 458/1066)URI:
Ibn Dāwūd ibn Sarābīyūn — Names: Ibn Dāwūd ibn SarābīyūnIbn Dāwūd ibn Sarābīyūn, physician son of Dāwūd ibn SarābīyūnURI:
Ibn Diḥyah — Names: Ibn DiḥyahIbn Diḥyah (d. 633/1235), Andalusian poet and anthologistURI:
Ibn Dīnār — Names: Ibn DīnārIbn Dīnār, 5th/11th-c. physician in MayyāfāriqīnURI:
Ibn Duminj [Domingo?] — Names: Ibn Duminj [Domingo?]Abū Jaʿfar Aḥmad ibn Khamīs ibn ʿĀmir ibn Duminj [Domingo?]Ibn Duminj [Domingo?], Abū Jaʿfar Aḥmad ibn Khamīs ibn ʿĀmirURI:
Ibn Durayd — Names: Ibn DuraydIbn Durayd, grammarian (d. 321/933)URI:
Ibn Durustawayh ibn al-Marzubān al-Fasawī — Names: Ibn Durustawayh ibn al-Marzubān al-FasawīIbn Durustawayh ibn al-Marzubān al-Fasawī, Abū Muḥammad ʿAbd Allāh ibn Jaʿfar, grammarian (d. 347/958)URI:
Ibn Faḍl Allāh al-ʿUmarī — Names: Ibn Faḍl Allāh al-ʿUmarīIbn Faḍl Allāh al-ʿUmarī, encyclopaedist (d. 749/1349)URI:
Ibn Faḍlān (Jamāl al-Dīn Abū l-Qasim Yaḥyā ibn ʿAlī ibn Hibat Allāh al-ʿAllāmah al-Baghdādī) — Names: Ibn Faḍlān (Jamāl al-Dīn Abū l-Qasim Yaḥyā ibn ʿAlī ibn Hibat Allāh al-ʿAllāmah al-Baghdādī)Ibn Faḍlān Jamāl al Dīn Abū l Qasim Yaḥyā ibn ʿAlī ibn Hibat Allāh al ʿAllāmah al Baghdādī 513 1121 595 1199 professor of...URI:
Ibn Fāris al-Qazwīnī — Names: Ibn Fāris al-QazwīnīIbn Fāris al-Qazwīnī (d. 395/1004), philologistURI:
Ibn Fasānjas [or Fasānajis] — Names: Ibn Fasānjas [or Fasānajis]Ibn Fasānjas [or Fasānajis], Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAlī ibn al-ʿAbbās, unidentified 11th-c. critic of astrologers and enemy of Ibn al-HaythamURI:
Ibn Fatḥ Ṭamlūn — Names: Ibn Fatḥ ṬamlūnMuḥammad ibn Fatḥ ṬumlūnIbn Fatḥ Ṭamlūn, MuḥammadURI:

Search Tips

For best results, users are recommended to use the advanced search functions. Search results can also be improved by the use of the the following Boolean search characters:

Wildcard Characters:

Given the prevalence of variant spellings in names, using Wildcard Characters may help.

"?" can be inserted as a variant for any single character.

Thus a search for:

returns results which contain either "Gewargis" or "Giwargis".

Similarly a search for:

returns results which contain either "Mar" or "Mor".

"*" can be inserted as a variant for multiple characters or a truncated word.

Thus a search for:

returns results for "Dayr" and "Dayro" and more.

Similarly a search for

returns results for "ʿAbdishoʿ" and "ʿAbda" and more.

Note: Because the sources we quote use a variety of transliteration formats, ignores diacritics and punctuation in searching; for example, use of "ʿ" is not required to find results with this diacritical mark.

Fuzzy Search Character

Appending the character "~" after a word returns results for words that are close but not exact matches.

Thus a search for

returns results which contain "Aba" but also "Abi", "Saba", "Aha", and other words that are "fuzzy" matches for "Aba".

Exact Phrase Searches

To find an exact phrase, it should be enclosed in double quotes.


"ʿAbdishoʿ I"  
returns only one result with that exact phrase, while several results are found for the words "ʿAbdishoʿ" and "I".

Proximity Characters

To find two or more words which occur within a specified range of each other, one can append the character "~" followed by a number to an "Exact Phrase" search. This allows one to search for two or more words that occur within a specified distance of each other as defined by number of words.


finds three results in which the words "Jacob" and "Bishop" occur within two words of each other: "Jacob , bishop of Nisibin", "Jacob, bishop of Phesilta", and "Jacob , bishop of ‛Ānah" while a simple search for "Jacob Bishop" returns many more results.